Lost Classmates
Here are some of the classmates we have no informtion on.
If you know an address or email or phone number for any of these LOST classmates,
please email Sally at sally.rehmeier@gmail.com
Many of these classmates have been missing since we graduated.
Your help is greatly appreciated!
Thank You!
Cheryl Allen
Ann Bahan
Laura Bickett
Kelly Bretz
Vickie Brown
Kevin Brown
Julie Burden
Barbara Cook
Carrie Copeland
Edna Durand
Julia Evans
Tracie Gautier
Terri Grayson
Tyrone Hamilton
David Hamlin
Kenneth Haynes
Kimberly Jackson
Mercedes Jenkins
Bobby Johnson
Barbara Joiner
Steven Jordan
Mike Kelley
Diane Ledgerwood
Anh Mai
Timothy McGee
Joanna Neuenkirk
Franz O'Neal
Larry Oliver
Sharon Pickens
Russell Pleasant
Donna Smick
Darlene Smith
Denise Smith
Anthony Smith
Joan Stewart
Darryl Vaughan
Sherlie Ware